DAY 3 — A memory

Alvianty Novitasari
3 min readNov 30, 2020

Girl with period.

Becoming a girl isn’t an easy task to do, when I was child everything just normal- natural. We play, run, and chase each other with a bright smile. the only things that divide us and make us different is only gender. Time goes by, you growing up, everything is changes and different from your childhood when you transforming into little girl, a teenager until you become a woman.

I clearly remember I got my first period when I was 12, I do believe it’s supported by my first love. I remembered how a little boy that a year older than me approached me with simple letter followed by little gift and said that he loved me. It’s a bit shame and funny to remember, but here let me focus about period memory. Not far after that moment I got my first period, everything just changes on hormonal issues, physical issue until mentality issue.

Period changes me physically like a body shape, but not too specific for the growth of my bone, I think it’s because of genetic issue. When period come, I naturally changed into a shy girl, especially on my day, it’s just feel uncomfortable specially when you’re Muslim, everyone will know it cause you have pray off for 7–9 days, and several boy will teased you, also wearing menstrual pads is not really comfortable for me at that time, plus not affordable for student like me.

Moved to my Junior High School time, I grow up as introvert girl when I was in Junior High School. I clearly remember on the 8th grade when I got my period and I’m not prepared at all. I just too shy to tell someone that I need help for this urgent condition like I need to go to school clinic and get menstrual pads and change my school skirt. Luckily it was the last class, so I thought I just need to finished those class and went home as fast as I can. Too bad, before the class over I felt a lot of blood overflowing on my panties and school skirt, and when the class over, I jut stand up and my friend just saw a bit red stain on the back of my white school skirt and told me,

“Are you on your period? It’s a bit translucent on the back,”

I felt so shy and quickly covered it with my jacket that I brought. I ran so fast cause I felt too shy and call bike driver (Ojek) immediately to bring me home.

I feel saved, but just for a moment until I arrived home and pay the driver. I rushed to bath room to get changed then I realized my back skirt is full covered by blood, it’s not even a small stain, but it’s full and so wet fresh blood. I got a deep sigh, suddenly remember if I got so much blood on my back skirt that mean I’ll make another blood stains on the driver seat. I still can feel those overthinking part that unsolved. It was really embarassing moment, how if the driver realize? I can’t imagine where I should put my face the next day when I meet him again, how if another people just sat down at my seat? It must be a though and disgusting day for the driver and make me sad whenever I think about it.

I learn something from this past memory: don’t be too shy at least to get your comfort and got the right treatment. Period is normal, please be prepared so you’ll not screwed up yourself and another people day.



Alvianty Novitasari

Indonesian —peace on my piece of mind, get in touch with me on ig : @alpiopi